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Child Care Staffing Solutions

CCSS Partner Program Info

Become a Partner Program to Access our Network of Early Childhood Substitutes


#1 Challenge for Child Care Administrators?


We know.  And we're here for you.

Child Care Staffing Solutions is a program of the Child Care Resource Center, which delivers resources, training, coaching and support to help child care providers build skills and meet the challenges of working in the field of early care and learning.  From helping to cut through the red tape of state paperwork, to facilitating your meal assistance program (CACFP), to sharing overall advice, we are here to help you thrive.

Our innovative job matching app, makes it fast and easy to connect administrators and center directors to our network of caring, professional, and engaged early childhood substitutes.  In just a few minutes and clicks, you can be assured staff-to-child ratios are met, and the children in your care will continue to receive the quality attention they need.  You can go back to doing what you do best.

We can also help you find qualified candidates for permanent placements.  We recruit, train, and equip them so that when you hire them, they're ready to work on day one.

Partner programs pay an annual fee to gain access to our network of substitutes + a fee for each permanent job placement.